Friday, April 13, 2007

Tech Support Call - 4/13/07 10:00AM

Customer - Hi, I just got your cable modem internet installed and my AOL isn't working.

Me - Ok sir, I checked your modem and it's online, are you at your computer?

Customer - Yes, when I open AOL it says something and then just sits there.

Me - Lets see if you are getting any internet at all, what version of windows are you using?

Customer - Windows 98.

(We go through a couple things and find that his computer does not recognize his ethernet card which is what our modem plugs into.)

Me - Well sir it looks as if Windows does not have the drivers for your ethernet card installed.

Cusotmer - Yes it does my email is still working.

Me - Oh? Are you sure?

Cusotmer - Yes.

Me - Ok lets check that now.

(We go into his email and it, of course, gives an error that it cannot connect to the server.)

Customer - Well it was working. What happened to it?

Me - I don't know sir but the problem is with the computer. If it were my computer I would remove the ethernet driver from your device manager and reinstall the software for your ethernet card.

Customer - Well... how about I uh....... remove my internet provider instead. You know, cancel my provider.

Me - Well you could try that sir but that wouldn't fix the problem with your computer.

Customer - Well it was working fine before you people installed this box thing.

Me - What were you using before?

Customer - AOL... dial-up.

Me - Well sir that was using your dial up modem, with the high speed it uses an ethernet card and that's what isn't working.

Customer - Ok then, what do I do?

Me - Sir, legally I can't walk you through adding or removing things from your computer, this is just internet support for your internet connection.

Customer - Well how the hell am I supposed to reinstall this internet thing then.

Me - Who installed the ethernet card to begin with?

Customer - I did. It's not hard you know.

Me - Well then (butthole) it shouldn't be any more difficult to install it again sir (since you're such a fucking genius and did not just ask me to do it for you 5 seconds ago). Just go into your device manager, remove the listing for your Linksys ethernet card and restart the computer, it should automatically ask you to re-install it.

Customer - Ok fine. (Click)