Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Yeeeeaaah. Get down there and suck it Dusty Rhoads. You turd eating bitch.

I attended the wedding reception of a couple friends this Saturday night. I had a bit too much to drink and ended up thinking I was The Nature Boy Ric Flair. For this I apologize to all that were exposed to me. The only thing I can think of to express my sincerest aplogies, is to say it in prose. A poem I call... I'm Sorry.

I am sorry
For the asses I slapped
And I am sorry
For the cheeks I may have chapped

I am sorry to you
whom I tried to Ric Flair
You had every right
to kick me straight in my pair

To my friend Predator
74 times I slapped your face
Now that I'm sober
I feel remorse and disgrace

To Quintuple L
Out of your hot tub the water did flow
Because I kept falling in backward
Like a tanked Jaques Cousteau

I am sorry to all
exposed to my drunken flamboyance
Free beer + Nick = train wreck of annoyance

There. I feel a bit better. Actually most people there were pretty smashed so I actually don't feel that remorseful. But I think I may have been a bit more out of control than most. But hey, a lot of crazy shit goes on at wedding receptions.


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