Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tech call logged 5/11/06 11:40AM

Me - Thank you for calling Anonymous Company my name is Nick, how may I help you?

Customer Lady - Yes we just got the internet and we are setting up this defender virus type thing and it's asking for an email address and we don't have one.

Me - You don't have an email address?

Customer Lady - No!

Me - Well if you don't have an email address I would be happy to set one up for you. What do you want to use for your email address?


Me - Ma'am?

Customer Lady - I just told you. I don't have an email adress. We are setting up this virus thing and it's asking for an email address but we don't have one.

Oh really? Thank goodness you didn't tell me what you wanted for your address, and instead reapeated exactly what you said the first time. My bad, I guess I wasn't listening.

Me - I realize this ma'am, I said I can set one up for you and was asking you what you want to use for your address.

Customer Lady - Here's my son.

Lady's Son - Hello?

Me - Yes I was just asking what your mom wanted to use for her email address.

At this point her son gives me an address and password and I set it up and the call ends. Thirty seconds later another call comes in. Guess who.

Customer Lady - Yeah it won't take it. It won't work.

Me - What won't work.

Customer Lady - The email won't work. It won't take it.

Me - Are you still setting up the antivirus program?

Customer Lady - Yes.

Me - What error or message is it giving you.

Customer Lady (shouting back at son) - What's it saying?

Son (in backround) - It's saying it won't work.

No shit.

Me - Is it saying anything more specific than that?

Customer Lady - It says the email address does not appear to be valid.

Me - And you're typing with no spaces?

Customer Lady - yes, customer at

Something about the way she pronouced the word "at" made me think they might have been typing the word "at" instead of @. I mistakenly assumend that since she had her son setting it up for her that at least he would know that email addresses have that little symbol in them. I mean even if you've never used a computer, email addresses are everywhere, on billboards, commercials, everywhere!

Me - So you are typing "customer" then that symbol with the "a" in it....

Customer Lady - Oh you mean that symbol? We aren't supposed to type the word "at"?

Me - No, ma'am, every email address has that symbol in it.

Customer Lady - Ok that worked.

Me - Is there anything else I can help you with?

Customer Lady (shouting back at son) - Is there anything else you needed help with?

Son (in backround, and bitchy) - Now what do I do?

Well he could go get his GED or something, it might make him less of a dumb shit.

Me - Well at this point he'll have to refer to the antivirus setup instructions.

Customer Lady - Ok, we might be calling back!

Can you tell me when so I can be in the bathroom dropping a duece or something.
Well you can try but we'll be closed then.
I wouldn't if I were you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there hun.. so what's been goin on? notta lot here.. just wondering whatcha been up to havent heard from ya forever.. i like to read your stories they are so funny.. they put me in a good mood.. so yeah anyways can ya do me a favor and email me back or something and let me know what's been goin on and stuff.. well ill be online tomorrow do ya think ya could get on messenger so i can atleast chat with ya? well anyways keep up the good work with your stories and stuff.. take care.. luv robin

5/12/2006 4:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that there Robin sounds like she's got a purty mouth. maybe we could go out for some hardees sometime.

5/12/2006 12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there thanks whoever ya are.. yeah ok so anyways nick get online sometime this week k.. talk to ya later.. keep the good stories coming...

5/16/2006 4:26 AM  

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