Thursday, July 28, 2005

The True Story of Grizzly Adams

Happier times.

Our story begins in the early 70's on the campus of Rocky Mountain University. Two young fraternity brothers , "Uncle" Jesse Duke and Bob "Grizzly" Adams, were the most popular students on campus. The legends are still told today among students about the times when Jesse and Bob would hide marijuana cigarettes in their beards and smoke them during social economics class, or the time they were caught naked with the dean's assistant in the old clock tower.

After graduation Jesse and Bob both got jobs with a Fortune 500 company in the big city but soon became frustrated and disgusted with the back-stabbing world of big business. They decided to move to Tennessee together and start making moonshine. Jesse's nephews Bo and Luke and their cousin Daisy had a farm there and there was plenty of woodland. Perfect for a moonshine operation. Jesse had just one rule if Bob was to live with them. Hands off Daisy. Jesse should have known better.

Daisy was infatuated with Bob from the start. How could she not be. Big broad shoulders, bright shining smile, flowing glistening beard, and a blanket of chest and back hair that you could just nuzzle into and sleep for days. And so it happened. After a long night of sampling the product, Jesse was awaked to sounds of erotic pleasure coming from the barn. He snuck out and quietly opened the barn door to find Daisy with two handfuls of chest mane riding Bob like a cowgirl at the state rodeo championships.

Uncle Jesse was furious. He kicked Bob off the farm and vowed to kill him if he ever showed his face again. An ashamed Bob left that night, head hung low in dispair. He needed some time alone, some solitude. Something the moutians back home in Colorado could surely provide.

Part two of the True Story of Grizzly Adams coming soon.


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