Friday, February 10, 2006

Starsky and Hutch 2 - Grimace and Hutch

Article by Eugene "Hollywood" McHossenfefferhasslehoff.

Los Angeles, California - Rumors of the sequel to the successful Starsky and Hutch remake starring Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson have begun to surface on the internet on Friday February 10th. The information so far reveals a plot so full of twists, suspense, and forbidden romance that it has given movie critics around the globe the hugest boner.

***Spoiler Warning. Plot line revealed below.***

The sequel begins with Starsky (Stiller) hot on the trail of a team of a drug trafficking gang known for ruthless violence and extreme partying. While on an undercover sting to purchase 2 million dollars worth of Peruvian Flake his cover is blown and he is taken hostage by the gang of merciless killers.
The Chicken McNugget gang was world renowned for kidnapping police officers and forcing them to sodomize and make out with BBQ covered nuggets.

Hutch (Wilson) gets word of Starsky's abduction shortly after completing a bust on a geriatric prostitution ring in Chicago. Enraged and determined to save his friend, Hutch hunts down accountant and former money launderer for the McNuggets.

Grimace had escaped the McNugget gang 4 years earlier after he witnessed the brutal torture of his friend and lover,The Hamburgler. Grimace was hesitant to help at first since the McNuggets wanted to snuff him out for his knowledge of their operation. After a tearful speach, Grimace could see how much Hutch cared for his friend Starsky and agreed.

With the help from Grimace, Hutch makes great progress in finding where the McNuggets are keeping Starsky. During their investigation Hutch and Grimace become very close and, inevitably, sparks begin to fly. After one hot session of earth-shattering love making, Hutch asks Grimace a question we have all wondered.

"Grimace, I don't want to offend, but, what are you? An eggplant, a gumdrop? I've never really figured it out." Grimace rolls over and says, "I'm neither, Hutchy. I'm just a Grimace. Do you think you can accept me for what I am?" "Well, I suppose.", replies Hutch, "But just one more question. What the fuck is a Grimace?"

Hutch eventually accepts the fact that a Grimace is just a Grimace and they continue on their mission to rescue his partner and friend.

So far this is all that has been leaked on the world wide web. It's really a good thing because who wants to know the ending to such a classic. Well, that's all for me, Hollywood McHossenfefferhasslehoff, see you in the theaters!


Blogger Maven said...

Don't you find it unsettling how much Owen Wilson's snout looks like a shweenus? I can't look at it without thinking that. I'm transfixed!~!

2/12/2006 9:42 PM  

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