Wednesday, May 03, 2006

New Featured Album

Buy my new album please.

Hi, I'm Ken. I've just released my newest album. I'm pretty sure you'll really enjoy it. I've been working on it for a couple years now and the record company was getting antsy for me to put it out for everyone to hear. Besides, some of it was leaked to the internet already, I'm guessing because of the huge demand for a double dose of the Kenster. I've named my album By Request Only. It's really funny because, like, basically everyone is requesting to be slapped across the face with a sloppy pile of Ken, so, you know, everyone is requesting it. The other day someone in the street was like, "Ken! Where the hell you been! We're craving that sweet Ken magic on vinyl." And I said, "You know where I've been, man. Working and perfecting and making sure my new product will be the best. Dummy." I'm just kidding I didn't really say dummy.

The close-up of my face on the cover was Mom's idea. I was hesitant at first but it turned out great. Thanks Mom, I should've known you'd be right. And Mom, please don't worry about the mustache. I know the girls will be pretty horny after looking at the cover, but I can handle myself. Believe me I'm used to the attention. I mean who wouldn't want a piece of The Lumberjack after seeing that cover. (Sometimes I call myself The Lumberjack.) Do you see how the close-up is all serious and the full body shot is all happy and what not? Thats so people can see both sides of Ken. Cause I can be serious sometimes, like on my ballads. (Which are fantastic on this album by the way.) But I can also have fun, but you all knew that I'm sure, LOL. But enough jibber jabber from the ol' Ken-o-matic, I'm sure you're itchin' to run out and pick up By Request Only.

Hugs and 'Stachetastic Kisses,



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