Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Turkey Day

Someone told me today that tomorrow is Turkey Day. I decided to acknowledge our middle eastern friends with a post on my super famous b(utt)log. So here's to you Turkey. Keep keeping it real or something.

Hey I just realized something. Turkey Day falls on the same day as Thanksgiving this year! I wonder if there is any correlation between the two. Were there any Turks on the Mayflower? Man... small world, huh. Maybe I should email the president of Turkey and let him know about Thanksgiving. I bet he'd be very excited to find out we eat an animal that has the same name as his country on the same day as Turkey Day. Maybe he would feed some turkey to the terrorists in Syria and Iraq and the triptowhatever would make them to groggy to bomb anyone on that day. Douchebag terrorists. Anyway... keep up the good work Turkey, and know that even though Turkey Day is on the same day as Thanksgiving, here is one Ameician that hasn't forgotten about you. I love you Turkey. Call me.

All my love and sweet nutbutter kisses,
Nickhead Manbeast


Blogger Maven said...

Hope you get your knob gobbled this Turkey Day:)

Gobble Gobble!

11/23/2005 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, is this nuggetmaven a friend of yours? I think she likes you.. BTW Nick, you know who I am... :P Guess...

12/01/2005 4:49 PM  

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