Friday, July 22, 2005

Introducing Hot N' Heavy

Thanks to Predator for the photo.

Scenario 1

Bitches and gentlemen, introducing the hottest new R&B sensation since Boys II Men. They've come to soothe you with silky voices and sexy rhythmic dance, and they plan to take no prisoners. One is hot, one is heavy, and with their powers combined, they are........ Hot N' Heavy!!!!!!!

Hot, (pictured at left) has just returned from a gruelling leg of the Tour de France, as you can tell by the mouth watering biker shorts he is sporting. Heavy has been keeping himself busy in the gym while Hot was away, as you can plainly see by the chisled abs and pumped up mustache.

Scenario 2

After years on hiatus wrestling legends Hot N' Heavy have resurfaced and are itching to get back in the ring to bust some heads. Hot N' Heavy skyrocketed to WWF stardom back in the mid-eighties with their balls-to-the-wall technique and irresistible good looks.

After defeating the British Bulldogs to win the World Tag Team Championship title on Saturday Night Main Event in Feburary 1987 they were arguably the most popular tag team in the history of professional wrestling. Unfortunately the preassures of fame and fortune led to drug abuse and womanizing, an all to common story in the chaotic world of wrestling entertainment. Hot, (pictured at left) was introduced to crack cocaine by friend and colleague Jake "The Snake" Roberts. The drug soon took over his life and Hot disappeared from public life. Heavy became a sex addict, sometimes doing the nasty with 12 prostitues in a single afternoon. A rare case of the clap made him shrink a full three feet and left him with an irreversible white trash mullet.

Against all these odds they are back to regain the respect and adoration of the wrestling world. We know you can do it Hot N' Heavy, because just like the Hulkster, you are some real Americans.


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