Friday, January 13, 2006

My Week in Jail - Day 4

I can't wait for this shit to be over. Four nights down, three to go.

Nothing worth typing went on last night. I did a lot of reading. Stephen King's The Dark Tower III - The Wastelands. It's about Roland the gunslinger and his two companions, a heroin junkie from the 80's and a black chick with no legs from the 60's who are in some sort of other dimension or in-between world on a quest to find the dark tower. Roland is going crazy because his memories are split by a boy he met by going through a door to another world who was killed by a wizard who was later killed by Roland but Roland had to kill the boy but now he's not sure if that was just a dream or if the boy ever really existed and it's making him crazy but his junky friend carved a key out of a branch and when Roland holds it the voices go away. Pretty simple really, I can't count how many times that's happened to me.

I just had a thought. During the last four days, four different grown men have seen my butthole during the strip searches. It might be a fifth today. That's probably, like, 4 or 5 more than most guys I know. Unless my friends are hiding something from me. Like the desire to show other men their buttholes, for instance.

We've had eggs twice so far for breakfast. But they don't really taste like eggs. They are kinda solid and grainey. Like they were made from an egg mix substitute or something. In other words they are really fuckin gross. And with every meal you get one untensil. A gigantic spoon. It's huge. The first morning when they woke us up at 5:30AM for breakfast I was barely awake and thought I was hallucinating. I can understand that they don't give forks. But why are the spoons so damn big.


Blogger Maven said...

You can be shanked with a fork, or even a spork for that matter... I'm just sayin'...

1/16/2006 8:16 PM  

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