Wednesday, May 31, 2006

White Trash Camping

These bags were scattered everywhere.

Manbeast's girlfriend and Manbeast went camping Friday night at a county park. That was probably the first mistake, "county park". Plus we were in the "primitive" section, the part without the electricity or running water. We were only there one night so we decided to go cheap. Wait, no we didn't, all the good sites had been taken already. Anyway whatever. There were probably about 15 camp sites there and most of them had people at them. The people all looked fairly civilized except one group across the road and down a couple sites from where we were. I didn't make any judgments at first, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I did see things like this going on.

Mr. Miagi ain't nuthin'.

Aaahhhh, puckin' nature.

Everything was fine all evening and even after the sun went down they seemed to refrain from commencin' to whoopin' and hollerin'. But at around 11:30 that changed. I heard some rustlin' around over in their vicinity like people rolling on the ground or something. That's when the drunken shouting began.

Slurring Lady - You son of a bitch!

Slurring Man - You cain't be sayin' that shit in front of the kids, don't you know there's kids round here.

Slurring Lady - Yeah, I know there's kids you son of a bitch! You hit me!

Random 3rd guy - I don't think a man oughtta be hittin' no woman.

Slurring Man - Well, a woman hit me once, that I can take, but hit me again and I'm fightin' back.

This went on back and forth for about 20 minutes. At one point the lady said she was leaving and got in her car, drove forward in the grass about 3 yards then backed up and got back out of the car. A few minutes later a cop showed up. He gets out of his cruiser and the first thing he does is get on his radio and call for assistance. I don't blame him. Five minutes later another cop in a truck comes flying through the park and over to the campsite in question. Everything calms down and they are over there for about an hour. Then out of the blue I hear a guy shout, "SHE HIT ME AGAIN!". The cop pointed his flashlight over next to a tree where there is a mullet-headed guy and some girl sitting on a blanket. I think they did arrest someone eventually but he cooperated so the officer didn't baton the guys legs or anything exciting. After the cops left everything was pretty quiet and we went to bed. Sometime in the middle of the night I was awakened to the loudest drunken blubbering crying I had ever heard. I swear it sounded like he was right outside my tent. I think he may have been trying to apologize but I'm not sure, I was only able to make out a few words. I.....drunk....why.....sorry......talons. Ok maybe he didn't say talons but most likely he did. I'm happy cause I think it turned out ok for the couple. I hope they got it on country style that night and created something special. Something such as.... the next karate kid maybe?


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