Thursday, February 08, 2007

This one time me and Prince......

This one time me and Prince....

... went on a camping trip and survived only on wild berries, and our love.

... did jumping jacks until one of us couldn't keep going. I totally won because Prince broke one of his high heeled shoes.

... got kicked out of Applebee's because Prince refused to put on a shirt.

... got drunk together on MD 20/20 and styled each other's hair.

... volunteered to be bell ringers for the Salvation Army. Prince got frostbite because he refused to put on a shirt.

... tried to climb Butternut Hill riding double on the Purple Rain bike. Prince and me wrecked.

... got kicked out of Barnes and Noble because Prince refused to put on a shirt.

... took 3 Viagras each and played sword-fights.

... went to the emergency room because our boners wouldn't go down.

... got kicked out of North Dakota because Prince refused to put on a shirt.

... formulated a plan to destroy the economy of North Dakota. Prince fuckin' hates North Dakota.

... got arrested for trying to break into the governor's office in North Dakota.

... started a prison riot at the North Dakota state prison because, guess why, Prince refused to put on a shirt.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

2/1/07 - Sinise has pissed me off for the last time. He refuses to listen to reason. I've decided he no longer has the privilege of being in my tremendous plan. Fuck that fucker. You know what he did? He accused me of stalking him and attempting to abduct him. Yeah, I'm totally serious, he did. Of course both of those things are true, but that's not the point. He is blind to the potential of my righteous plan. So guess what, Sinise, I have a statement for you. You are a total chicken fucker and are hereby banned from this and any future mind-blowing plans that may come to me.