Thursday, January 03, 2008

My Year with Danza - post 2

11/16/98 - I looked at Danza knowing full well it was Tony Danza. Danza broke a smile and said "Hey man I'm just fuckin' with ya. Of course I'm Tony Danza. Hey, did you know that when bears hibernate they eat a bunch of twigs and dirt to form a butt plug to prevent shitting in the den?" I looked at Danza and proudly said, "Yes, I knew that." Danza looked suprized and impressed. "Hey, whaddoyasay we go buy a case of whole milk and drink it." I said, "I don't like whole milk." Danza was disgusted. He looked me up and down and said, "Pussy", and walked away. Little did I know I would see Danza again soon, and he would have to thank me for saving his life.