Thursday, September 07, 2006

Grimace Art

I love Grimace... or I hate him. I can't decide. Grimace is the gum drop looking thing that was in the McDonald's commercials with weirdo Ronald and the fry guys and the hamburgler. There were some other muppet-types too. Anyway that's beside the point. The point is I have done some Grimace art for the world to enjoy. You can thank me later.

Original Grimace

Sexy Grimace

Anarchy Grimace

Grimace watching the Hawkeye game

Grimace hours after the Hawkeye game with his shirt off smoking a giant dube.

Grimace being executed by the Japanese Mafia. Those bastards have always hated Grimace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this has inspired me. Thank you. My username has been ladygrimace for a while after seeing your drawing of *Sexy Grimace* thank u

5/17/2020 12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My love.

9/02/2021 12:01 AM  

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