Friday, June 09, 2006


God damn I love Friday's. Friday's are like fuckin' holidays. Like when I walk into work it's all, "Happy fuckin' Friday!" and all that. It's like you just want to sing a fuckin' tune or something. "Balls and dick and dick and balls..... balls and ass and dick... and balls." Just because it's fuckin' Friday fucker. That's why I'm fuckin' singing. Fuck. You know? I wish every day was fuckin' holiday Friday. That would be so fuckin' sweet. No wait, that wouldn't fuckin' work. Cause then Friday's wouldn't be special or fuckin' shit. It would be like, "Oh I guess it's fuckin' Friday again, just like every other stupid fuckin' day." That's why I'm so fuckin' smart cause other people who aren't as crazy fuckin' intelligent like me might not realize shit like that. You know? It just makes me want to have insane and silly butt sex with a malnourished zebra when I think about how fuckin's sweet Friday's are. You can totally fuckin' understand, I can tell. Mostly I can tell because I'm pretty close to being a fuckin' genius. Like a rocket genius. No, a rocket surgeon. Rocket surgery..... fuckin' sweet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about the Friday theory, but I don't think the half dead zebra likes it too much.

6/21/2006 9:37 PM  

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