Friday, March 24, 2006

Jim - Hey Betty, long time no see, where you headed?

Betty - To get my butthole bleached.

Jim - Oh yeah, my mom had that done.

Betty - Really? Is she a stripper?

Jim - No, she's just really self-concious about the color of her butthole. Why, are you a stripper?

Betty - No, I'm a call girl.

Jim - You're a whore?

Betty - Jim!

Jim - Well you have sex for money, right?

Betty - Well... yes.

Jim - Fuckin whore. See you at church!

Betty - Not if I see you first! Later Jimbo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everytime I read your blog you leave me with the thought of... Where in the fuck does he come up with this stuff!!!! LOL And you wonder why I ask you random questions, just to see what you would say.

3/26/2006 9:04 PM  

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