Friday, February 17, 2006

Main Entry: douche
Pronunciation: 'doosh
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Italian doccia, from docciare to douche, from doccia water pipe, probably back-formation from doccione conduit, from Latin duction-, ductio means of conveying water, from ducere to lead
1 a : a jet or current especially of water directed against a part or into a cavity of the body b : an act of cleansing with a douche
2 : a device for giving douches
3 British : a rude awakening : "the icy douche (what he said about my work) -- John Fowles"

That is the Webster definition of douche. I like the phrase "the icy douche", I think everyone should use it from now on. I found this while looking up the term "douche bag". Why was I looking up the term "douche bag"? Well, why not. I thought "douche bag" might be in the dictionary, but not in the way we all use it. I thought the definition might have something to do with hygiene or something similar to the definition for "douche". To my surprise and delight, this is what I found.

Main Entry: douche bag
Function: noun
slang : an unattractive or offensive person

Just when I was losing faith in humanity, I find this. God bless us, everyone.

Since you're reading this you're obviously extremely bored, so here is something to look at.

RV Salesguy bloopers - I'd buy an RV from him. Video

Top 10 in-game dunks of all time. Video

Beer pong slam dunk by a college student's dad. Video

Cat yell - not sure why it's funny. Video

Young Chuck Norris - awesome. Video


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