Friday, December 30, 2005

The Return of Bubble Bobble

So anyways, do you know what emulators are? I'll tell you what they are. They are totally rad. Totally. Emulators allow you to play console games on your computer. Each console has it's own emulators. Atari, Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and Super Nintendo. They are free to download on the web. Emulator Zone is where I got mine. So now you've got the ability to play hundreds of games from your favorite old console on your computer. Where do you get the games? What a dumb ass question, as if I wasn't going to answer that. You can get the games, called "roms", at many places. My favorite so far is Now, there is a disclaimer involved here. Downloading roms is
technically illegal unless you own the actual game cartrige for that paticular rom. The whole legal aspect is about 86% retarded considering they don't even make any of these games anymore and haven't for years, so the only way to get the game cartrige would be to buy it used from an individual on ebay or something, in which case the copywriters aren't getting any money anyway. But, back to the penalty. I've heard from some pretty reputable sources that if the government finds out you don't have the actual games they will send two of their meanest agents over to stab you in the face. With knives.

So, back to me. I've known about emulators and roms for years but it's no fun to play the games with a stupid keyboard on your computer. I also know that they sell game controllers for ten bucks that just plug right into your USB port. So last Friday I finally got around to getting a controller. That may have been a mistake. I've been up until 2AM nearly every night since because I'm addicted to playing all these old games. I'm not complaining, it's actually pretty much totally rad as I stated above. I've added permanent links to Emulator Zone and under the Games links because I, just like the emulators, am pretty much nearly totally rad. So, in conclusion, if you had a Nintendo or Sega system back in the day, go to Wal-Mart or Target and get a ten dollar controller for your computer and proceed to re-live your lazy assed video game playing childhood. (Assuming you do it legally. In which case you would already own all the games and game systems already and would have no reason to play them on your computer.) Oh yeah, and don't forget to cheer on the Hawks this Monday as they prepare to dine on fresh Gator meat. HA! That's gonna be so much totally rad I bet.

Oh, by the way, here is the Survival Guide to Drunken New Year's Eve Sex. Instructions for people with and without significant others.

Oh, and another by the way. This story is one of the sickest and most amazing things I've ever read. Let's just say it involves masturbating, a swimming pool, and a guy's intestines being sucked out through his butthole..... wow.


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