Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Media Day

Here are a couple random pics from

This kid has super-human pee strengft.

If I ever lose a limb, I'm getting it fixed at Stubbs.

Porno spam of the day goes to........ Sender: Delbert Benson..... Subject: Cupid's Toothpaste Sprinkled on Her Pussy. Even fictional holiday characters need to have good oral hygiene.

For the past couple weeks I've been saving links to some good video on various sites strewn across the vast world wide web. Let's party.

#1. Gorilla Mask has an episode collection of the Ambiguously Gay Duo from Saturday Night Live. Also from that site, a clip from Robot Chicken where Donkey Kong gets whats coming to him. And one more from the Gorilla, a collection of wanna-be stuntmen, aka, a video clip of people falling of skateboards/bikes/whatever.

#2. Mitch Hedberg was a comedian who recently died of heart failure at a young age. He has some great one liners. Here is a collection of various stuff he did. Check out the Comedy Central clips of his stand up. Also from that site is a collection of Nick Burns - Your Company's Computer Guy from SNL.

#3. I don't even remeber how I found this. Puberty Pals.

#4. I've been watching Joe Cartoon for years. Here is his page at Atom Films.

#5. Albino Blacksheep has some great stuff. Here is a verse of Stairway to Heaven played in reverse, kinda freaky. And then..... here is a prank phone call featuring clips of Ahhnold from various films. Very funny.

#6. From Ebaumsworld, the Village People are hilarious. Check out this video, you won't be sorry.

#7. This clip from Japanese TV is one of the strangest things I've ever seen.

#8. I have no explanation for this, but for some reason I watched it for a while.

#9. - Just what you'd think, a collection of weird-ass online games.


Blogger Maven said...

OH MY GOD... Puberty Pals! I can't wait to watch it in entirety at home....

10/31/2005 4:25 PM  

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