Thursday, September 15, 2005

News Flash: Farrakhan discovers racist plot!

Here we see Louis Farrakhan about to say something. Odds are it will be completely idiotic.

Reason #854 Louis Farrakhan is a douchebag:

His theory that someone purposely blew up the levee in New Orleans in order to wipe out the black population there. Think I'm kidding? No, you know its true, since 95% percent of anything that comes out of his mouth is fucking retarded.

Lets take a closer look at how this would have taken place. The government or whitey or the man or whomever Rev. Louie is claiming did this had a couple options.

1. The genius racists were psychic, and knew that the hurricane would flood the area so terribly that there was a good chance the levee would be comprimised, and somehow planted enough explosives beforehand without beeing seen.

2. The genius racists went out during the hurricane and set up the explosives in 175 MPH winds.

3. The genius racists were brilliant engineers who after the hurricane were able to drive a boat out to the levee and plant a large amount of explosives underwater, all while not being seen by all the news and military helicopters constantly circling the area surveying the destruction.

It's a good thing these genius racists also surrounded the city and prevented evacuation for all the black people, poor people, and elderly people who didn't have the ability to get out of their houses. Oh wait, no they didn't. Louis, you're a dumbfuck, but we all make mistakes, so here is a gift for you. Just scroll down a bit.


Blogger Maven said...

What a hate monger he is!

9/15/2005 4:36 PM  

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