Saturday, October 08, 2005

Holy Ass Napkins Batman, links!

My name is Jim. I'm hiding behind my flamboyant mustache to conceal my constant craving for hot German buttsex (the gay kind).

Of course, I kid. I'm sure Jim is a very nice man. But I just can't shake the feeling that he's a flamer and with his wide-eyed, fruity stare is trying to hypnotize me into joining the gay orgy he is planning. Maybe it's just me. You can find Jim and his colleagues at the World Beard Championships website. Beardy McBearderton watch out. These guys have some serious face pubes.

And then..... Some seriously funny photoshops of the guy looting Heiniken after Katrina. Make sure to click on Pictures and check out number 18, number 22, nubmer 28, possibly the best one number 39, and number 43.

And then.... in response to some of the retardedness coming out of the mouths of Kanye West and Louie Farrakhan, here is a link to an article written by the highest ranking African American in the Texas state government regarding Katrina. He took some time out of his busy day job blowing up levees to write it.

And then.... is a comedy site. Check out the Pranks section. Remember Olestra? It was that stuff they were putting in potato chips to make them fat free. You may remember it by it's disclaimer: may cause anal leakage. This guy ate nothing but Olestra chips for a week to test that disclaimer. I also recommend the Penis Prank, the Viagra Prank, and the Credit Card Pranks.

And then.... Rock. Paper. Saddam. What? You've never heard of pen missile?

And then.... A new addition to Steve, Don't Eat It! Silkworm Pupas in a can. Who knew?

And then.... Ugly Zoo. A collection of different animals and/or humans photoshopped together. Some funny, some distrubing. Most the latter.

And then.... the typical everyday news story where a cop gets "pelted with fried chicken, soda pop and human fists" from a 61 year old lady during a traffic stop. "The warrant says she threw a plate of chicken wings at the officer, hit him in the neck with a Coke bottle, then punched him in the face." Well at least he was punched with "human fists".

And then.... If you decide to start a career as a car jacker, it might be a good idea to learn to drive stick.

And then.... A link sent to me from Predator. An American teaching in Japan tells his story of their fondness of a game called Kancho. Silly fuckin Japanese.

And then.... A 76 year old man shoots his neighbor 8 times while chasing him through a game of lawn bowling for playing his music too loud. He says to one of the lawn bowlers, "I'm 76 and the gun has jammed." Well sir, I'm 27 and you're fucking insane.

And then.... "He was caught with his pants down, having sexual intercourse with the goat". Silly South Africans.

No more and then for now. More and then to come later. Drew Tate is high and is going to go nuckin futs on the Boilermakers today. Yes, for serious.


Blogger Maven said...

See, I am still waiting for Steve to eat the brain-shaped mushroom which blooms once a year at his home (this year it was stolen--I love it!). Pupas? Good eatin'! J/K!! They look like they would even SMELL nasty.

10/17/2005 11:13 AM  

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