Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Look, it's a giant metal snake, no, it's chrome-a-saurus! I wish I could have seen Soundgarden live.

It makes me feel old to wish I could have seen this concert. But then again fuck that. Fuck you.

This local news anchor stomps some grapes, then slips and falls, then the funny shit begins. This clip has been all over the internet but I love it.

Penis ripped open. Thats enough to make any man run away... fast. But this guy finished the soccer match.

How much is all your stolen shit worth on your computer. Find out with the Piracy Calculator.

Here are two Katrina-related blog rants about how Oprah and Kanye should just STFU already.

Man reports his medical marijuana plants stolen. Eighteen year old on a bicycle spotted with a "big old bush" under his arm sporting a "big smile" on his face...... I love this story.

"Police arrested a man who they say jumped out from behind a bush, shouted "I'm naked," and then chased two women down a street.....Police say he jumped out of some bushes on Clarkson Street and chased the two women while masturbating." This guy was a sex offender and if I were one of the two girls being chased, this story wouldn't be funny. But seriously, picture a guy running and trying to masturbate at the same time.

Finally, there are some funny shirts on , my Chrisopher Walken 2008 campaign shirt is on its way.


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