Thursday, August 25, 2005

Your dreams say a lot about you. Apparently I'm at least mildly retarded.

I am protected from this. Cause I'm smart.

Dream 1

My brother and I are kids at some sort of vacation resort without our parents. We hang out by the pool and it starts to get dark. Fireworks start to go off and everyone is enjoying the show when suddenly someone shouts that they are not fireworks at all. They are nuclear bombs. Somehow I instantly know that when nuclear bombs go off the radiation makes it seem like the sun is out, and if you get touched by the light it will start to burn you terribly. I grab my brother and try to find some sort of shelter. We try a few closets and basements and they are all packed with people and it keeps getting brighter out and my skin is starting to melt. Finally I remember that the arcade is the place to go during a nuclear attack. (Everyone knows that, they taught us in elementary school.) There is a row of pinball machines with oxygen masks on top of them facing a huge window. My brother and I duck behind the pinball machines and put on the masks and I am relieved that we are finally safe.

So in review, this dream should teach us some very important things. To protect yourself from nuclear attack, simply move closer to an a pinball machine and some oxygen and put it next to your bed just like I have done.


Blogger Maven said...

I will now refer you to my Dreamscaping post... it's short and sweet, yet twisted!

9/15/2005 4:40 PM  

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