Jimmy Swaggart would be perfect for Million Dollar Lotto Church.
Dream 2
After waking up from Dream 1 it was still an hour before I had to get up so I went back to sleep. Then dream 2 happened.
I was driving around some town that looked really familiar in the car I had in high school. I am looking for a church to attend. I find one that looks pretty good and go into the waiting room which is full of people sitting in rows of chairs. Some announcer type guy calls us up by rows to this opening in the wall so that we can buy our lottery tickets before service begins. I get two slips of paper with numbers on them, 146 and 147. They tell us to go into the church and sit down. There are huge electronic displays in the church and somehow I know they are going to display the lottery winner any second. They show 147 and the jackpot is 4 million dollars. This is where things get a bit strange. I get up and leave, get into my car and drive off. Then I wake up. I'm a bit pissed off that it was a dream and that I'm not actually rich. Then I fall back asleep. I'm back in my car and I can't find my piece of paper with the lottery number on it. I drive to a house where my brother and some other guy are at. I explain the situation and they decide to help me find it. I decide the slip of paper is probably in some garbage out by my parents house in the ditch. We drive out there and by the time we arrive my brother and the stranger have disappeared. I dig through the garbage and find the slips of paper. Then I wake up again. I'm a bit pissed that I'm not actually rich and that it was just a dream. I fall back to sleep. Now I am in the house where my brother and the stranger are sitting on the couch and I'm explaining that I had this bag of pills that I need to turn in with the lottery ticket, because each pill is worth 4 million. We look and look and I remember that the bag of pills are probably in the bags of garbage out by my parents house in the ditch. This time my brother and the strager don't disappear and they help me dig through the trash. I find the bag of pills. There are like 20 of them. I'm very happy until I realize that I can't find the slip of paper now. Suddenly me, my brother, the stranger and some girl I don't know are back in the waiting room of the church and I'm explaining the whole thing to my mom. This time I wake up for good.
The next church I become a member of is going to sell million dollar lottery tickets before service. Secondly, when I win I'm turning in the ticket immediately. Oh yeah, and I'll be sure to have my pills with me.
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