Friday, June 24, 2005

Ebert.... you horrible bitch.

You see the way I'm looking at you Siskel? Yeah, that's right. It's me... Ebert. And I'm gonna kill you. Posted by Hello

I can see through you Ebert. You think you have everyone fooled. Think again, bitch. Yes, you have finally gotten to the pinnacle of American existence.... your own star on the Hollywood walk of fame. One question movie man. Where the fuck is Siskel. We know what was going on in your Ebert brain... "Siskel and Ebert, Siskel and Ebert. Why is Siskel always first!?!!? I'll tell you what Siskel. How does this sound? Ebert and Ebert. Ebert and Ebert you bastard!" We all know you didn't want his name taking presidence over yours. So you put him where he belonged. And we know where Siskel is, Ebert. We ALL know where he is. He's in his grave. Exactly where you put him. Sure, he had a "heart attack".... but only because you heart-attacked him. Now, I give you credit, Ebert. You left no traces. You have BTK type skills. But I see it. I see the deception. The lies. The facade you call innocence. But I say this to you, Ebert. You will pay. Maybe not tommorow. Maybe not next week. Possibly you won't even pay at all. But if it were up to me... you would nearly just about almost definately pay. What do you think of that shit. That's what I thought.


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