Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Here are some links upon which you may click if you would enjoy some entertaining enjoyment.

"I only made love to the ewe twice using two condoms but I never do it regularly." Likely story buddy. I thought only the good ol' boys in Kentucky or Alabama liked sheep love. It has now spread to Africa.

Speaking of Kentucky..... this story reminds me of certain people from Hopkinton. Driving 90 through residential streets, being confronted about it and dragging the guy along while getting shot by him. Silly white trashians.

And then....... "He pushed the curry into my face and said "You batsard!" Thats what you get for being 81 and my mother. Information Technology must be very stessful in London. Notice at the top of the page it says "This Is Local London". Remind me not to go to London.

And then....... check out this video of Chubs Keneivel eating dirt after trying to take his Sledgehammer over a sweet jump. Make sure you have your sound on, its about 200% funnier that way. There is an ad for Adult Friend Finder at the top of that page so it's prolly not safe for work. Unless your boss likes boobies.

And then....... speaking of sweet jumps, check out these Napoleon Dynamite sound boards. They're awsome..... incredible.

No more and then. Oh wait, one more and then. I added links to Daily Confession and Snopes.com (Urban Legend Site) to the links section. What, can you think of a better place to put them?

No more and then.


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