I like smile at youuuu. Yessss. I like smile.
This man you see above with the greyest eyebrows on earth is the president of India. He recently won the the "Goofy Lookin Fucker" award at the World Political Summit in Paris. His combination of feminine curled helmet hair, color matched eyebrows, hugemongous shoulder pads, and shit-eating grin made him the clear choice. Looks very friendly doesn't he? The answer is yes, yes he does.
Speaking of strange looking people. Check out Freddy Murcury of Queen in his childhood photo on this site, he's on page two. Look out! He's going to eat your face!
You've seen those t-shirt sites with dumb/perverted sayings right? Well sinfulshirts.com has some good ones.
You're parents told you sitting too close to the TV will make you blind. Turns out playing too many video games will kill you.
Earlier I posted a link to the top 10 most dumb-assed heavy/black metal photos. They have a second edition. Make sure to check out number 1 at the bottom. You won't be disappointed.
Homeowner walks in on a guy burglarizing his house, man chases burglar down and stabs him repeatedly with kitchen knife, construction workers try to break it up, smash homeowner in the head with a shovel, burglar drives away then crashes into a fence and dies, homeowner in serious condition. I bet he wishes he would have just let him have that DVD player.
Stories from a rent-to-own repo man. It's funny.... no for real.
Japan is selling non-alcoholic beer to children. They have my vote for best ever ad slogan. "Even kids cannot stand life unless they have a drink".
Remeber that terrible Power Rangers show. One of them was recently arrested for murder trying to steal a yacht so he could attempt to sail away from the embarassment that was his acting career.
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