Thursday, July 12, 2007

Movie Scenes

King Kong getting his butthole bleached.

King Kong - Hi. I'm here for my 8:30 appointment. (Kong is an early riser.)

Receptionist - And what are we doing for you today, sir?

King Kong - Butthole bleaching. I hear the ladies like a shiny clean butthole these days.

Receptionist - Right this way, Mr. Kong.

Ten thousand midgets preparing to storm the White House.

Midget Leader - All right everone quiet down! I think we finally have all the logistics worked out and are ready to proceed with Operation Tiny Freedom.

Midget in crowd - What shall we use for weapons, sir!?

Midget Leader - I was thinking big floppy rubber dildos.

Midget in crowd - With veins or without!?

Midget Leader - With. (crowd cheers.)


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