Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Turkey Mistress

I thought I would make this Thanksgiving especially special. I decided it would be pretty cool to get to know the turkey before killing it and eating it. Thus, I have been living with a turkey for the last two weeks. It's name is Eunice and we are getting along splendidly. Eunice likes to play gin rummy and go for long walks around noontime. I don't let her do any of that shit because she's gonna die soon. We usually discuss the meaning of life while sipping bitter merlot from plastic cups. Eunice sucks at conversation. A few nights ago things took an interesting turn. We were laying in bed just after turning out the lights talking about what the state of world politics will be at the turn of the next century. The shades were open just a bit and the full moon's light was shining on her beak. Eunice made a move toward me, although surprised at first, I knew it was what we both wanted. What followed was the most passionate night of turkey basting the world has ever known. As the sun was peeking over the horizon Eunice and I lay naked in my bed, basking in the glow of human-turkey love. Just before drifting to sleep I put my arm around Eunice and gently whispered in her ear, "Baby, you're gonna be delicious next Thursday."

No matter the time
No matter the weather
Nothing turns me on more
Than the touch of your feather


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