Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Days of Our Lives

An elderly gentleman called in the other day. Possibly he thinks he missed his calling as a soap opera director.

Customer - Yeah how come channel 7 is so hard to see?

Me - Is the picture fuzzy, sir?

Customer - No it's just really dark, it's always like that.

Me - Well let me turn on our test TV here, sir. It looks ok on this end.

Customer - Well of course it's fine now, it's on a commercial.

Me - So the picture is ok during commericals but not during the actual programs?

Customer - Yeah my wife watches Days of Our Lives and she can see it fine but, Christ, I can barely see anything.

Me - So it's only an issue when watching Days of Our Lives?

Customer - Yeah.

Me - I have the show on now sir and the lighting is darker but I think that's just the lighting of the show.

Customer - Well why don't you tell them to fix that.

Me - Sir I don't think it's an issue of "fixing" it I beleive it's just the judgment of the director of the program, that's the way he wants it to look.

Customer - Well what's his number?

Me - The director of Days of Our Lives?

Customer - Yeah.

Me - I don't have the number for the director of Days of Our Lives, sir.

Customer - Well somebody's gotta complain about it. Can't you do anything about it?

Me - No sir, we just broadcast what the channels decide to show. We don't determine programming and the production of the shows. You may want to contact the local NBC affiliate to see if they have contact info for the director of Days of Our Lives.

Customer - Fine. But I have a hard time beleiving you people can't do something about this.


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