Friday, June 17, 2005

Meet my wife, well not yet, but soon.

The 30 pack, aka The Best ChestPosted by Hello

"You smell like a turd covered in burnt hair."

Not sure why I typed that but it's one of the best lines from Anchorman. Excellent.

Why did I put a picture of the blue shield up there? Because we are getting married in a canoe on the Maquoketa river tomorrow. It's going to be breathtaking. Remeber that song from Top Gun, Take My Breath Away, thats going to be playing as the Best Chest and I cement our love with wedding vows. Picture it...... I told you it was breathtaking.

On that note, check out the 40 Things Every Drunkard Should Do Before He Dies article from Drunkard Magazine. I'm not so sure about some of them but I thought it was pretty funny.

And then..... check out this news anchor chick farting on the air. She leans over a bit and just rips one but then gives an embarassed laugh. It's great.

And then..... I've posted a couple games sites this week that have a ton of games but a lot of them really suck ass. Games That Don't Suck took the best ones and put them together to ensure our enjoyment. Seal Bounce is easy and addictive. Just click once to start spinning the little bastard around and click again to release. My best so far is 396.24. Leave me a comment or something if you throw him higher. Moto-X is a fun one also.

I also added Drunkard Magazine and Games That Don't Suck over on the links list just because I love you.


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