Thursday, June 16, 2005

What day is it?

Posted by Hello

I had been out drinking Monday and Tuesday night. Wednesday at work was one of those days where you are fighting like mad not to put your head down and just let the sandman relieve you of terrible conciousness. So when I got home I went directly to Mr. Mattress. I fell asleep at about 5:30PM. I wake up and my alarm clock says 7:35. My body is telling me I have been asleep for a very long time and the sunlight outside looks very much like early morning sun. I start flipping out. I check my alarm clock at its set for 6:30 like always. Why didn't the fucker go off?!? I've been giving my neighbor a ride to work and we have to leave by 7:20 but I check my phone and she hasn't called. Maybe my clock is wrong. So I run out to the living room in my underwear and stare at the clock out there trying to make sense of things. It says 7:35 also. I'm standing there just staring at the clock in my boxers barely awake trying to decide if I'm still dreaming or if I accidentally did a bunch of really good drugs in my sleep and I see my brother sitting on the couch staring at me. I wonder why he's up this early. He says to me, "Nick what the hell are you doing?". At that moment somehow my mind starts to work and I realize its 7:35 PM and not AM. So I do the only thing I can think of and go back to bed. I've had about 11 hours of sleep. Anyone wanna go drinking tonight?


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