Monday, June 06, 2005

Alien ManBirds Are Coming

Lieutenant ManBird of the 58th division. Posted by Hello

I've been seeing a lot of birds lately. Seems like many more than normal. I was at the parents estate Saturday and they have a bunch of bird feeders and they were everywhere. We were outnumbered. I began to think if they were a bit more developed they could prolly take over the earth.

So last night I was standing outside with a friend and I saw this really bright star-type light in the sky flickering. Jokingly we were discussing if it were an alien ship and if there were life on other planets and what not. Then it came to me. We've all seen the movies where aliens attack. Martians, greys, giant insects... all bullshit. After my weekend with the birds I realize they would be an itelligent race of angry birds who developed opposable digits and learned to build things. And they hate humans. If they're out there........ we're fucked.


Blogger AFM said...

hahahaaaa - man birds...hahaha

6/07/2005 12:50 AM  

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