Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Nothing to post... Posting anyway

Tylenol with Codeine (sp) rules. My neighbors gave me a couple because my stupid back went out on me Sunday night. Thanks for the weak back, Dad... fucker... hehe. So I was taking 4 ibuprofens at a time trying to kill some of the pain. That wasn't doing shit. But just one Tylenol with Codeine basically kicks the pains ass. The neibs rule I say.

I'm trying to learn how to do some things with this blog, but I run into two problems,
1. I know nothing about HTML.
2. I am completely too impatient to learn it.

Actually I should just be impressed with the fact that I can post a pic on here and call it quits.

What else.... hmmmm. Christian Slater got arrested this weekend for drunkenly grabbing some girl's ass repeatedly. If you've never read the smoking gun's account of his cocaine arrest back in August of '97 you really should. Here is where you can read about his coke and booze induced rampage. It's the 4th link down, for some reason when I tried to link directly to the archive article at Smoking Gun it errors out. I told you I knew nothing about HTML.

Yeah I like this blogging thing. It's like talking to myself. And since I'm totally in love with me.... that works out pretty well. Have a pleasant and eventful day, bitches.

Nickhead Manbeast


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