Saturday, June 04, 2005

My Date With Saddam

No, YOU listen to ME, Larry! Posted by Hello

I had a very strange dream last night. Somehow I was in Iraq at the Hussein family get-together. The neighborhood looked just like Hopkinton and I was suprised to see that it was being held in a ranch style house. Saddam was standing outside and on my way in I just nod to him and say, "Sir..". wtf. So after I get inside Saddams mother and grandmother and aunt are playing some strange card game with 7 decks of cards. I asked how to play and they were shocked that I didn't know how. They told me to go into the bedroom and ask Saddam how to play. Thats when I woke up. Thank God. Who knows what may have happened in that bedroom.

So.. I fall back asleep and suddenly I'm back in Iraq but I'm with a group of people and we are being followed by a camera crew. Saddam's son (not Uday or Qusay) was taking us to a chinese buffet. On the way in I'm talking to this girl about how strange it is that we are in a chinese buffet with Saddam's son and being taped by MTV. Then I woke up again. Just thought I'd share. Have a fanfuckingtastic weekend.


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