Monday, May 30, 2005

One less thing needed to play the guitar.... two hands.

Amputee Love Posted by Hello
I saw a couple bands at 3rd Street Live this friday. There were three of us, Me, Predator, and Double L. Corresponding order of our drunkeness upon entry was high, meduim-meduim high, and barely. We all go up the bar to get a drink and the first band is already playing. At some point I'm looking at the lead singer/guitarist and something doesn't look quite right. He's got a strange strap around his wrist. Wait... where's his fucking hand. The guy didn't have a right fucking hand. And in my opninion they were the best band that night. This dude wasn't only playing chords on that bitch either. Solos and everyhing. With a pick strapped to his wrist. It was cool.. thats what Im saying.


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